Disability can affect anyone. This is true; it’s a sad realisation.

The Realisation, the question
Disability – can affect anyone. I woke up and gained my membership to join the disabled gang. My disability was not degenerative. I was involved in an accident and didn’t have a choice,
There is the sad reality of life when you can enjoy life to the max, and suddenly things change.
Would it be worse to have a slow decline in health, to watch, feeling the ability to be a ‘normal’ person slowly slipping away? Or suddenly have a condition thrust upon you, resulting in needing additional requirements to live?
Moving on with a condition
But how you deal with it is the crucial thing. How you overcome the stigma, the challenges, the attitude. Turning it into a positive experience is the key to moving on.
Anyone can create an opportunity
Occasionally, teaching wheelchair skills allows me to explore the country. I have a local hall I hire in South Bucks with all the facilities I need to offer skills training. Although, if clients are unable to travel to me, I can take wheelchair skills training to them.
Because I can take training to the client, I have had the chance to see many beautiful parts of this country. A stopover is usually required if a considerable distance is needed to be advanced, and this opens more opportunities to explore the local area and discover an Indian Restaurant.
The City of Dreaming Spires
Disability – can affect anyone and following a recent visit it the picturesque 1930s built suburb of Welwyn Garden City, my next tour is to the City of Dreaming Spires. Otherwise known as Oxford.
This is no visit to the outskirts of the ancient metropolis in Southern England but to the city centre, which revolves around its prestigious university, established in the 12th century. It’s a visit to a college located just off the high street. The client has access to this building, initially founded in 1458, for the training and I am looking forward to it.
There is no security as such, there are porters, and they know to expect me.
The Affect of Disability – What a terrible affliction
Growing up my mum had multiple sclerosis (MS). She still has.
Freedom Wheelchair Skills offers wheelchair training to anyone. Only now have I seen the vast variety of the severity of MS. Mum walks slowly with a limp. One hand shakes a little, and she tires quickly. I’m sure if there might be other symptoms she hides from us (my sister and I). Not wanting to worry us.
MS affects people differently. Some severely and some not so much. Several people use wheelchairs as an aid, while others maybe just sticks.
I’m not a doctor, but as far as I am aware, no matter how much you exercise, how healthy your diet is or how well you take care of yourself, there is no way to prevent MS. It affects people randomly. But it can be manageable. If detected early, medications may slow the progress of the disease and the severity of symptoms.
Wheelchair skills training offers people affected by all different conditions the chance to develop their individual skills. In turn, training can develop the ability to live life fully.