I don’t make Instructional Videos.
I don’t make instructional videos. I believe face-to-face training is best for being able to meet the individual needs of each client. Teaching bespoke skills tailored to the client’s individual …
I don’t make instructional videos. I believe face-to-face training is best for being able to meet the individual needs of each client. Teaching bespoke skills tailored to the client’s individual …
Wheelchair Pushing Diaries is a new playlist soon to go live on my YouTube channel. It’s a playlist currently ‘in the works’. I’m uploading videos and editing them as fast …
The journey to success, the power of signposting. Supplying people with the vital skills to enrich their lives and to hear success stories is great. But to hear, read or …
During the lockdown, I was anxious about going out; I’m not afraid to admit it. I have a compromised immune system. What if someone randomly sneezed over me? It’s unlikely …
Should I change my font size? Maybe I should? After sitting in a REMAP trustee Zoom meeting yesterday, I thought I might change my font size to make my blogs …
Disability can affect anyone. This is true; it’s a sad realisation. The Realisation, the question Disability – can affect anyone. I woke up and gained my membership to join the …
Travelling with a disability, do I deserve free upgrades? An Interesting Debate. So I cannot walk and use a wheelchair for my mobility, and I’m handy getting around to it. …
Disability awareness is common practice when having a disability – noticing where things are wrong in society or where life cannot meet my needs. Even worse is when people arrange an …
To spread the word about independent wheelchair skills training. I’m hitting the road again and heading north, ending up at Melton Mowbray. Melton Mowbray Melton Mowbray is a town in …
Skills training with Cauda Equina Champions Charity. I recently visited Trowbridge for wheelchair skills training with a client diagnosed with Cauda Equina. Trowbridge is the county town of Wiltshire – …
Yes, I can, I can Back Wheel Balance! Who asks the question? Can I back wheel balance? Yes, I can! The great Back Wheel Balance is often known as a …
I write blogs for several reasons. I don’t want to bang on about being disabled and saying, ‘look what I can do!’ Firstly, I don’t mean to big up my …
I receive referrals for wheelchair skills training and peer support from Solicitors, Physios, Case Managers and Occupational Therapists. Occasionally, I get the chance to attend a company training day and …
I’m gonna dance like nobody’s watching, I’m gonna sing like nobody’s listening, I’m gonna kiss you like we are all alone ‘Cos this world is ours…… Above is the opening …
It appears the 1st of March is International Wheelchair Day. After a post on one of my social media accounts told me it was International Wheelchair Day, I reluctantly looked …