Image & Subculture
Punks, Rockers, Hippies and Skinheads. Image and Subculture. Punks, Rockers, Hippies and Skinheads. Was it Tedy Boys that came first? With their sharp suits and Brylcreem in hair, a mainly …
Punks, Rockers, Hippies and Skinheads. Image and Subculture. Punks, Rockers, Hippies and Skinheads. Was it Tedy Boys that came first? With their sharp suits and Brylcreem in hair, a mainly …
Getting dressed while having a complete spinal cord injury took a little while to get used to. After years of doing it, it’s second nature now. During the years spent …
If you want to live in a house with a floor or more, then yes. Through floor, lifts would be worth it. Are there any Benefits of through floor lifts? Through …
Peer support is what? “The only source of knowledge is experience” (Albert Einstein). Peer support is the “process of giving and receiving encouragement and assistance to facilitate long-term recovery” Peer support …
The basic answer is no; you can’t. Can I travel in my wheelchair on a plane? It’s sad to say, in this modern age where man has climbed to the …
How many types of wheelchairs are there? A lot. From where did lightweight wheelchairs come? The factory. The origin of the everyday wheelchair How many types of wheelchairs are there? …
There is a lot to choose from Wheelchair reviews and choice is a minefield! What do you want to know about wheelchairs? Do you want to know what others think …
Do I have to pay to park using a blue badge? Private car parks you do. At council car parks, you need to check. You may need to register your …
What makes you independent? Doing something by yourself? Physically or verbally. An essential part of being independent is taking care of your own needs, physical and mental. Because independent people …
Do you call them bars or wheels? What do wheelchair anti-tip wheels do? Just to clarify. In this piece, anti-tip wheels, anti-tip bars, or safety bars – I refer to …
Be active, carry on in life. I am not disabled. I have a spinal cord injury. It will always be with me now! Leaving school After leaving school at 16, …
Surgery The morning of surgery is when I go under the knife again for Baclofen pump No. four. I wake early to the sounds of a busy ward. Trollies are …
Hospital Admission – In I go. Going into hospital. Arriving for my hospital admission, getting dropped off at the door by my wife. It’s Monday, and we haven’t had cuddles …
As the Admission Date Approaches, I am confident that the procedure will go ahead without complication. However, I do have a black cloud lingering over the thought of being in …
Hospital admission again for Pump No. four Seven years have passed, and the time has come to go in for another procedure. It is time for Baclofen pump number four. …