Finding Love

I’m gonna dance like nobody’s watching, I’m gonna sing like nobody’s listening, I’m gonna kiss you like we are all alone ‘Cos this world is ours…… Above is the opening …

It’s International Wheelchair Day

It appears the 1st of March is International Wheelchair Day. After a post on one of my social media accounts told me it was International Wheelchair Day, I reluctantly looked …

Image & Subculture

Punks, Rockers, Hippies and Skinheads.   Image and Subculture. Punks, Rockers, Hippies and Skinheads. Was it Tedy Boys that came first? With their sharp suits and Brylcreem in hair, a mainly …

Daily Risks and Mistakes  

Every time I go out, its a daily risk and mistakes might happen. Daily risks and mistakes happen, that’s life. Tumbles and falls that can launch me out of my …

What is Peer Support?

Peer support is what?  “The only source of knowledge is experience” (Albert Einstein). Peer support is the “process of giving and receiving encouragement and assistance to facilitate long-term recovery” Peer support …

How Many Types of Wheelchairs are there?

How many types of wheelchairs are there? A lot. From where did lightweight wheelchairs come? The factory. The origin of the everyday wheelchair How many types of wheelchairs are there? …

What makes you independent?

What makes you independent? Doing something by yourself? Physically or verbally. An essential part of being independent is taking care of your own needs, physical and mental. Because independent people …

No wheelchair anti-tip wheels

What do Wheelchair Anti-tip Wheels do?

Do you call them bars or wheels? What do wheelchair anti-tip wheels do? Just to clarify. In this piece, anti-tip wheels, anti-tip bars, or safety bars – I refer to …

Door to freedom after surgery.

Surgery – Theatre Day Arrives

Surgery The morning of surgery is when I go under the knife again for Baclofen pump No. four. I wake early to the sounds of a busy ward. Trollies are …

Going into Hospital

Hospital Admission – In I go. Going into hospital. Arriving for my hospital admission, getting dropped off at the door by my wife. It’s Monday, and we haven’t had cuddles …

Wheelchair Wheelie

Is Wheelchair Skills Training for Everyone?

Wheelchair skills training is available for everyone who needs it. It has been another week of skills training, helping individuals build confidence and independence. The most recent wheelchair skills session …