Independent Wheelchair Skills

Wheelchair Skills: Essential for Independence

Wheelchair skills training is essential for individuals who rely on wheelchairs for mobility. It’s a cornerstone of empowering people with disabilities to live independently and confidently. Being confident using a …

Skills Training with Cauda Equina

Skills Training with Cauda Equina

Skills training with Cauda Equina Champions Charity. I recently visited Trowbridge for wheelchair skills training with a client diagnosed with Cauda Equina. Trowbridge is the county town of Wiltshire – …

What makes you independent?

What makes you independent? Doing something by yourself? Physically or verbally. An essential part of being independent is taking care of your own needs, physical and mental. Because independent people …

Freedom Wheelchair Skills Training

Wheelchair Skills Training, Why Would You?

Wheelchair skills, why would you want to learn them? Being able to get around confidently using my wheelchair is vital to maintaining my independence. The individual skills combined make it …