Image & Subculture

Punks, Rockers, Hippies and Skinheads.   Image and Subculture. Punks, Rockers, Hippies and Skinheads. Was it Tedy Boys that came first? With their sharp suits and Brylcreem in hair, a mainly …

Daily Risks and Mistakes  

Every time I go out, its a daily risk and mistakes might happen. Daily risks and mistakes happen, that’s life. Tumbles and falls that can launch me out of my …

Through floor lifts. Are they worth it?

If you want to live in a house with a floor or more, then yes. Through floor, lifts would be worth it. Are there any Benefits of through floor lifts? Through …

What is Peer Support?

Peer support is what?  “The only source of knowledge is experience” (Albert Einstein). Peer support is the “process of giving and receiving encouragement and assistance to facilitate long-term recovery” Peer support …

Wheelchair Reviews and Choice

There is a lot to choose from Wheelchair reviews and choice is a minefield! What do you want to know about wheelchairs? Do you want to know what others think …

Door to freedom after surgery.

Surgery – Theatre Day Arrives

Surgery The morning of surgery is when I go under the knife again for Baclofen pump No. four. I wake early to the sounds of a busy ward. Trollies are …

Going into Hospital

Hospital Admission – In I go. Going into hospital. Arriving for my hospital admission, getting dropped off at the door by my wife. It’s Monday, and we haven’t had cuddles …

Wheelchair Wheelie

Is Wheelchair Skills Training for Everyone?

Wheelchair skills training is available for everyone who needs it. It has been another week of skills training, helping individuals build confidence and independence. The most recent wheelchair skills session …

Autonomy – is it decision making?

Autonomy is the capacity to make an informed, uncoerced decision. Strangely, the T.V. or media can easily influence the most intelligent species on the planet. Capacity to make decisions We …

Wheelchair Skills Safety

Wheelchair Skills Training is Available.

Freedom has arrived! Wheelchair skills training is available. Safety measures are in place. Keeping everyone safe. I have bookings coming in regularly. Freedom has arrived. Juggling this organisation, child care …

wheelchair kerb descent

Did I complete the Challenge?

Completed! When the 2.6 for 26 challenge started, I did have a little concern in the back of my mind I wouldn’t complete the challenge. Would my shoulders hold out? …

Old tatty ball.

2.6 for 26 BEJSC Challenge.

The first week completed. I have finished the first week of my 2.6 for 26 days BEJSC challenge raising money for Bourne End Junior Sports Club. The 2.6-mile daily target …

Learn how to Negotiate Ramps and Slopes

Wheelchair Skills Now Available

Vaccine two administered That’s it, well, for now, at least anyway. Wheelchair skills are now available. I’ve had my skin pierced for my second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. Again …