Growing up in a Village. Part 1

The Green where the sun often shines The sun often shines on the tree-lined village green, nestled in the Chiltern Hills, with pubs, shops and amenities scattered around its edge. …

Angels by Jimi Hendrix?

Jimi Hendrix wrote, sang, and co-produced Angels and the song lasts 4:25 minutes. Lyrically there is a reference to an Angel appearing to tell a story about the sweet love …

Castles Made of Sand

I don’t recall when I first heard of Jimi Hendrix, or what made me decide I wanted to buy a Jimi Hendrix Experience Best of CD? But I certainly remember …

I am a dad and spinally injured

I am a Dad and Spinally Injured

I am a dad and spinally injured, and I run Freedom Wheelchair Skills, which offers life-changing training. Supporting people to become more confident and independent. The opportunity to do this …

spinally injured dad

Being Dad and Spinally Injured.

Being Dad. Poof! How fast time flies when being a dad. Unexpectedly he’s left his nursery, and he is in year three of school. Suddenly learning about personification…. I didn’t …

Hello World!

Becoming Dad. Do I believe in miracles?

People might not believe in miracles, but now I do! The most joyful moment of my life was when I witnessed a miracle. Do I believe in miracles? I wasn’t sure, but …

Covid Jab P1

Wheelchair training after COVID vaccination I have my first Covid-19 vaccination booked for tomorrow. You will be reading this after the needle has pierced my shoulder, but I feel I …

Freedom Wheelchair Skills Training

Wheelchair Skills Training, Why Would You?

Wheelchair skills, why would you want to learn them? Being able to get around confidently using my wheelchair is vital to maintaining my independence. The individual skills combined make it …

Things to Do

Keeping the mind ticking Things to do and keep my mind ticking as the current lock-down situation continues, there has been no wheelchair skills training taking place. Alongside homeschooling my son, I …