Spread the Word

To spread the word about independent wheelchair skills training. I’m hitting the road again and heading north, ending up at Melton Mowbray. Melton Mowbray Melton Mowbray is a town in …

Can I back Wheel Balance

Can you Back Wheel Balance?

Yes, I can, I can Back Wheel Balance! Who asks the question? Can I back wheel balance? Yes, I can! The great Back Wheel Balance is often known as a …

Why do I write blogs?

I write blogs for several reasons. I don’t want to bang on about being disabled and saying, ‘look what I can do!’ Firstly, I don’t mean to big up my …

Training Day Presentation

I receive referrals for wheelchair skills training and peer support from Solicitors, Physios, Case Managers and Occupational Therapists. Occasionally, I get the chance to attend a company training day and …

It’s International Wheelchair Day

It appears the 1st of March is International Wheelchair Day. After a post on one of my social media accounts told me it was International Wheelchair Day, I reluctantly looked …

Image & Subculture

Punks, Rockers, Hippies and Skinheads.   Image and Subculture. Punks, Rockers, Hippies and Skinheads. Was it Tedy Boys that came first? With their sharp suits and Brylcreem in hair, a mainly …

Daily Risks and Mistakes  

Every time I go out, its a daily risk and mistakes might happen. Daily risks and mistakes happen, that’s life. Tumbles and falls that can launch me out of my …

What is Peer Support?

Peer support is what?  “The only source of knowledge is experience” (Albert Einstein). Peer support is the “process of giving and receiving encouragement and assistance to facilitate long-term recovery” Peer support …

How Many Types of Wheelchairs are there?

How many types of wheelchairs are there? A lot. From where did lightweight wheelchairs come? The factory. The origin of the everyday wheelchair How many types of wheelchairs are there? …

No wheelchair anti-tip wheels

What do Wheelchair Anti-tip Wheels do?

Do you call them bars or wheels? What do wheelchair anti-tip wheels do? Just to clarify. In this piece, anti-tip wheels, anti-tip bars, or safety bars – I refer to …

Wheelchair Wheelie

Is Wheelchair Skills Training for Everyone?

Wheelchair skills training is available for everyone who needs it. It has been another week of skills training, helping individuals build confidence and independence. The most recent wheelchair skills session …

Wheelchair Skills Safety

Wheelchair Skills Training is Available.

Freedom has arrived! Wheelchair skills training is available. Safety measures are in place. Keeping everyone safe. I have bookings coming in regularly. Freedom has arrived. Juggling this organisation, child care …