Want to know about Prague?

Want to know about Prague? Paula and Steve operate a company called World Accessible Holidays. They make accessible holidays simple. With a passion for travel and years of experience, they explore …

How Would You Move Forward?

Do you sometimes feel stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure about taking the next steps? Not surprisingly, you’re not alone. There is a challenge to be taking on, but moving forward is …

In These Trying Times, How to Survive.

The Fundamentals of Survival In these trying times. Survival is a complex interplay of physical, mental, and emotional resilience. While the specifics can vary drastically based on the environment, some …

Wheelchair Pushing Diaries

Wheelchair Pushing Diaries 

Challenges on the Route I like to go for a push to keep fit and enjoy the great outdoors. At the same time, I record some of my pushes for …

Life’s Been Busy

It’s been a while since I wrote a post. Things have been busy. Arranging wheelchair skills training and ensuring the clients get the most out of the skills. Resourcing local …

Wheelchair Skills on the Road

Wheelchair Skills Training on the Road

I can take wheelchair skills training on the road to you. As the need for wheelchair skills training and peer support becomes more apparent, some people cannot travel too far …

I don’t make Instructional Videos.

I don’t make instructional videos. I believe face-to-face training is best for being able to meet the individual needs of each client. Teaching bespoke skills tailored to the client’s individual …

A New Playlist Coning Soon

A New YouTube Playlist Coming Soon

Wheelchair Pushing Diaries is a new playlist soon to go live on my YouTube channel. It’s a playlist currently ‘in the works’. I’m uploading videos and editing them as fast …

The Journey to Success

The journey to success, the power of signposting. Supplying people with the vital skills to enrich their lives and to hear success stories is great. But to hear, read or …

Specialist Exercise and MOVEment Classes for ALL ages and abilities.

Moving with MOVEability

During the lockdown, I was anxious about going out; I’m not afraid to admit it. I have a compromised immune system. What if someone randomly sneezed over me? It’s unlikely …

Change My Font Size?

Should I change my font size? Maybe I should? After sitting in a REMAP trustee Zoom meeting yesterday, I thought I might change my font size to make my blogs …

Training is for anyone.

Disability – can affect anyone.

Disability can affect anyone. This is true; it’s a sad realisation. The Realisation, the question Disability – can affect anyone. I woke up and gained my membership to join the …

Travelling with a Disability

Travelling with a disability

Travelling with a disability, do I deserve free upgrades? An Interesting Debate. So I cannot walk and use a wheelchair for my mobility, and I’m handy getting around to it. …

Disability Awareness & Solihull Council

Disability awareness is common practice when having a disability – noticing where things are wrong in society or where life cannot meet my needs. Even worse is when people arrange an …